Al-Muhammadiyah, Riyadh

Meshal Bin Sulaiman Alkhodairy Law Firm
Lawyers & Consultants

Advocacy - Consultancy - Notarization - Arbitration

Who We Are?

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شركة مشعل بن سليمان الخضيري للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية، المرخص برقم 108/35 من وزارة العدل السعودية، يقدم خدمات المحاماة والاستشارات أمام الجهات القضائية والإدارية في المملكة، وتعد من الشركات الناجحة بفضل رؤيتها الواضحة وفريقها المتكامل من المحامين والمستشارين.

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Our Approach & Values

We draw our vision and mission from principles of justice and excellence, delivering legal services with professionalism

شركة رائدة في عالم المحاماة المحلي والإقليمي، وذلك من خلال تطوير المهارات ودقة العمل وجودة الإنجاز، وكل ذلك في سبيل تحقيق العدالة من خلال الوصول إلى أهدافنا السامية

Every field leaves a mark, and in our field, we trust in our ability to make a lasting impact in spreading legal and Sharia culture across all aspects of life. We strive to achieve this through our goals

We aim to unify human efforts to establish legally stable entities and remove legal obstacles for all our clients, enabling them to conduct their commercial activities legally in both the Saudi and international markets. Additionally, we strive to uphold justice in all its aspects, making it a standard for human interactions by educating society through issuing and clarifying legal regulations

Our Numbers Speak for Us

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Years of Experience

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Team Members

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Different Services

+ 0

Trusted Global Partner

Our Services

A wide range of services offered by Meshal Alkhodairy Law Firm

Providing legal and Sharia consultancy

Drafting, organizing, and reviewing legal documents and contracts

Analyzing and evaluating the legal status of companies

Drafting and reviewing local agreements and contracts

Drafting various legal documents

Ensuring the compliance of company activities with legal regulations

Conducting legal audits and due diligence

Establishing and registering companies and obtaining necessary licenses

Providing legal support in negotiations, meetings, and correspondence

Assisting in the interpretation and application of laws and regulations

Providing the company with legal opinions

Attending company meetings and discussions

I Believe Attorneys Are the Spearheads of the Renaissance of Successful Corporates

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Partnership with Company Bryan Cave International

إيمانا منا بأهمية الشراكة في عالم المحاماة، على الأخص فيما يتعلق بالتجارة الدولية وعقود الفرنشايز، تعاقدت الشركة مع شركة محاماة عالمية رائدة لها ما يقارب خمسة وعشرون مكتبا على مستوى العالم، وتعتبر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مركزا رئيسيا لها، ألا وهي شركة براين كييف العالمية.

Our Team

Here’s what you need to know about what our clients say about us

Meshal Bin Sulaiman Alkhodairy


Holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from King Saud University, as well as a Master's degree in International Commercial Law and a Master's degree in Banking Law from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA. He has worked at several law firms in the United States and has served as a board member for multiple commercial companies. Additionally, he has been involved in the management of historical companies and is a member of the International Bar Association and the International Franchise Association.

Dr. Mutaz A. Alkhedhairy


Master's in Commercial Law, Master's in Insurance Law, and Ph.D. in Commercial Law and Insurance. 10 years of experience in legal consulting, contracts, agreements, establishing foreign companies in the Kingdom and abroad, and legal services for Start-ups.

Safwan bin Suleiman Al-Ayed

Legal Counselor

Bachelor of Sharia. Higher Diploma in Law from the Institute of Public Administration, (18) years of experience in legal consultations, participated in some quasi-judicial committees.

Mohammed bin Suleiman Al-Khudairi

Legal Counselor

Bachelor of Sharia from Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Master of Comparative Jurisprudence from the Higher Judicial Institute, former judge of the Public Court, licensed lawyer.

Maman Oseen Kaka

Legal Counselor

Masters in commercial law, Sorbonne University, France, Masters in tax law, Lausanne University, France.

Mohammed bin Talal Al-Khamis


Bachelor of Laws, licensed lawyer. Certified specialist in governance and risk.

Abdulrahman Al-Dhaheri


Holds a Bachelor degree in Sharia law from the Islamic University in Medina, as well as a diploma in English Language and Computer Science.

Salman Al-Mazrouei


Holds a Bachelor degree in law with honours from King Saud University.

Tariq Al-Owais


Trainee lawyer with a Bachelor degree in law with honours from King Saud University.

Mohammed Al-Zammam


Bachelor's degree from Dar Al Uloom University - Faculty of Law - Two years of experience in the field of law and consulting.

Mishari A. Al-Juma


Holds a Bachelor of Laws with Honors from (University of Westminster), and a certificate in (Human Resources Management and Total Quality). I have experience in legal consulting and developing strategies to ensure legal compliance and achieve institutional goals efficiently.

Mishal Al-Osaimi


Holds a Bachelor degree from the University of Westminster in London, UK, in Law with honors. He has completed several courses in Commercial Law and Investment Banking Equity.

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